SZNouns (pronounced ‘Season-Nouns’) is an experiment in cc0 and governance made for the community by SZNS, inspired by Nouns.

We aim to be a premier subDAO of Nouns DAO.

SZNouns are for those who:

  1. Want a lower-priced, yet high-quality alternative to Nouns
  2. Want to thoughtfully participate in Nouns governance via SZNouns
  3. Like circle glasses ◐-◐¬

Get started by reading our 📜Constitution, highlighting our mission and values.

We want to make participation in SZNouns a meaningful proxy to participation in Nouns governance itself.

<aside> 👏 You will find that some portions of this Wiki share components with the original Nouns’ Wiki. As a fork, SZNouns borrows many key aspects/structures innovated by the Nouns DAO. The differences are highlighted throughout this page, with innovations such as how we render our circle glasses on-chain!

Thank you to the original Nounders and the Nouns DAO for creating and sharing this amazing protocol.


Related Links

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 SZNouns Discourse

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✍️ Blog

Wiki ❄️🌱☀️🍂

SZNouns Constitution

A Brief Introduction to SZNouns

Submit a proposal on-chain

Delegating Votes


Artists & Developers

Explore our documentation, guides and examples to build on top of SZNouns.