SZNouns DAO’s treasury exists to benefit the long term growth and prosperity of the project. This is done via proposals. A proposal is one or more transactions to be executed by the SZNouns DAO contract. Proposals can range from funding addresses to more complex structures that interact with other contracts.

We’re still early and don’t have a forum for long form discussions. So below are instructions on how to discuss and send proposals to the SZNouns DAO contract.


  1. Head over to our discord and go to the #proposal-ideas channel.
  2. Start a thread to discuss your proposal idea with community members.

Temp check

  1. SZNouners will hold an emoji vote, in a private SZNouner channel.
  2. Proposals that pass the temp check will be advised to be put on-chain.

On-chain submission

  1. Head over to and click on the "Create Proposal" button.
  2. Click the "Add Transaction" button. The "Add a Proposal Transaction" modal should pop up. Follow the steps in the modal as follows:
    1. Step 1: Address value is the address of the recipient
    2. Step 2: Value is the amount of ETH to be sent to the recipient denominated in ETH
    3. Skip step 3 and 4. These steps are required for external contract interactions.
    4. Step 5: Review that both address and value are correct. If so, click the "Add Transaction" button.
  3. If your proposal requires multiple transactions, repeat step 2 with each recipient address.
  4. Fill in the proposal title and description. Make sure you state the Eth amount you need within the description, and provide a breakdown of what it will be going towards. Descriptions accept markdown for formatting and you can use an online editor (eg to compose and preview.
  5. Submit your proposal by clicking the "Create Proposal" button. The wallet submitting the proposal must hold the minimum threshold of 1% of the total SZNoun supply to submit.

<aside> ⚠️ Governance proposals occur on-chain and require a transaction. Ethereum transactions require paying a transaction fee, when you submit a proposal you will have to pay the transaction fee. While SZNouns' Governance contracts use techniques to reduce the amount of gas required to submit a proposal it may take 400,000+ gas to submit your proposal.


Creating a Proposal from Gnosis Safe

Currently, the UI at does not support creating proposal if your Noun is controlled by a Gnosis Safe. This guide will help you create a proposal directly through the Gnosis Safe app.