What is SZNouns?

SZNouns is a fork of Nouns: a generative non-fungible token project on the Ethereum blockchain. Like Nouns, SZNouns are 32x32 pixel characters based on people, places, and things. Here are some examples of SZNouns 👇


SZNouns are easily distinguishable from Nouns and other Nouns derivatives by their circle glasses ◐-◐¬, which are also on-chain! We modified the SVG rendering algorithm, details of which you can read here: Encoding

SZNoun Auctions

A SZNoun is generated and auctioned according to what season it is:

  1. Winter, beginning 12/1: once a day auctions
  2. Spring, beginning 3/1: twice a day, every 12 hours
  3. Summer, beginning 6/1: four times a day, every 6 hours
  4. Fall, beginning 9/1: twice a day, every 12 hours

One interface for participating in SZNoun auctions is sznouns.wtf, which is a website built and maintained by the project founders ('SZNounders'):


In the auction above, SZNoun 3, which is the 3rd SZNoun (SZNoun IDs start at 0) is for sale. The current bid is 0.1 ETH (Ether), and there are 10hours, 9 minutes, and 19 seconds remaining in the auction. If this auction ends with no further bids, 0.10 ETH from poap.eth (~$950 USD as of this writing) will be automatically and trustlessly sent to the SZNouns DAO Treasury and poap.eth will win this SZNoun, which means that the ERC-721 token will be transferred to their address.

You can see all the Noun ERC-721 tokens here:



SZNoun Auction Settlement